Monday, September 21, 2009


A client came in the other day and needed her picture turned to "pop art". I had never really tried this but ended up using Mike and I as the test runs. . .


Andy Warhol

Aren't we CUTE!

Another picture from the same day. This was actually Ashlee's farewell day but these are the only two pics I got. (I don't get Mike to dress up that often so I had to get him when he's all done up!) I had mom's camera all day so next weekend I'll have to steal them so you can see Ashlee's fun day. . We had a ton of family support there because it was the same weekend as my Grandma's funeral. Busy weekend but fun to spend so much time with family.


Jenny said...

Thats way cool it!!!

Eric and Kassi said...

That's cool. Can you make me a pop star too? :)